Khadija Abdulkarim
Population-based long-term follow-up of patiens with Myeloprofilerative Neoplasms: Complications and Prognosis
Christian Scharenberg
The mutational landscape and microenvironment in Myelodysplastic Syndromes with deletion of chromosome 5q
Alexandra Albertsson Lindblad
Mantle cell lymphoma –strategies in primary treatment
Elisabeth Székely
Follicular and diffuse large cell lymphoma – studies of primary treatment and prognostic factors.
Sandra Capellera Garcia
Programming Blood Cell Fates. Insights from Direct Lineage Conversion and Development
Peter Hollander
Epidemiology and prognosis in classical Hodgkin lymphoma
Hege Garelius
Registry studies on myelodysplastic syndrome and secondary acute myeloid leukemia - European and Swedish perspectives
Ali Mina
Identification and characterization of DNA sequence variants associated with multiple myeloma